This documentary film follows survivors of sexual assault as they continue their healing process. Their inspiring stories illustrates the effects of trauma on their mental and physical health, how they have used various forms of artistic expression to process their trauma and begin the healing process, and how storytelling has empowered them. Professionals from healthcare and law enforcement, as well as business owners and elected official also discuss how the epidemic of sexual violence impacts the entire community, and how not all victims of sexual assault are treated equally.
H.E.A.L stands for Healing, Empowerment, Action and Liberation - the healing power of art, the empowerment one feels when they come out of the shadows and allow their stories to see the light of day, how storytelling can lead others to action, and the feeling of liberation when survivors let go of the blame and shame they often feel.
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We are creating a new creative expression program that will allow survivors to share their stories through the lens of a camera. To see the list of items needed, click the equipment needs button below.